Commonwealth 245 West Michigan Avenue,
Jackson, MI 49201

Renewable energy is poised to become the future of energy as environmental concerns rise, consumer demand for choice grows, and the delivery costs for renewables continue to decline.

Renewable energy has become a competitive and viable energy option. The challenge for utilities and distributed generation participants today becomes how to integrate renewable innovations efficiently and effectively into a legacy system—there is no turnkey solution.

Commonwealth’s experts are trusted partners and industry leaders in the world of renewable energy. That’s because our engineers are involved in the committees and working groups setting tomorrow’s power generation and power delivery standards today. We apply that frontline insight to every project as we shape the industry, design tomorrow’s energy grid, and create a more resilient energy future.

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Apr 24, 2023

Maximizing Efficiency with CHP Systems

One promising solution is combined heat and power (CHP) technology, which offers high efficiency and potential cost reduction while improving energy...

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“I appreciate that my contacts at Commonwealth have stayed consistent. Because of this, we do not have to repeat the same information and answer the same questions many times.”

Director - Transmission Resource & Project Management, Duke - Midwest

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